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What Can I Put In My Vape?

Published 2 May 2024

What Can I Put In My Vape?

PG and VG are the two most commonly used ingredients in DIY vape juice. Widely available in pharmaceutical-grade quality, they are tried and tested for mixability and flavour consistency in DIY e-liquids and in pre-mixed vape juice. Alongside VG/PG, food-grade flavourings are essential to a great-tasting e-liquid recipe.

Typical pre-made vape juices contain four core ingredients:

  • Vegetable glycerin (VG) - A thick, odourless liquid that produces large amounts of vapour
  • Propylene glycol (PG) - A thin, odourless liquid that carries flavours well
  • Nicotine (optional) - Provides a 'throat hit' and mimics the nicotine-hit experience of smoking cigarettes.
  • Food-grade flavourings - Enhance the taste and aroma of the vape liquid

The ratio of VG to PG can be adjusted to preference. More VG will create dense, rich vapour clouds, while high PG e-liquid provides more potent flavouring and a better throat hit. Nicotine content and flavours are also fully customisable.

While pre-made e-liquids are readily available, many vapers enjoy taking things into their own hands and crafting their own DIY vape juices at home. This allows for complete personalisation and creativity when it comes to flavours and strengths. However, safety should always come first when using a vape kit.

Essential Ingredients for Homemade Vape Liquid

Creating your own vape juice is simple, but it requires some essential components as a base. VG and PG are the two main ingredients in e-liquid, followed by flavour concentrates and nicotine - which is optional. Oils, essential oils, and diffuser oils are not appropriate for DIY vape juice and are likely to cause irritation if inhaled through vaping.

1. VG (Vegetable Glycerin) and PG (Propylene Glycol): The Core Building Blocks

VG and PG form the foundation for any good e-juice recipe. They are thin, odourless liquids that are FDA-approved for use in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. When heated in a vape device, they produce inhalable vapours.

Vegetable Glycerin

  • Sweet, thick, viscous liquid
  • Produces large amounts of dense vapour clouds
  • Provides a smooth mouthfeel

Propylene Glycol

  • Thin, watery liquid
  • Carries flavours efficiently
  • Provides a strong throat hit that mimics cigarettes

You can use 100% VG, 100% PG, or any ratio between the two. Each vaper will have their own preferences when it comes to viscosity, vapour production, and throat hit.

2. Flavour Concentrates

The right food-grade flavourings can transform ordinary vape juice into something truly special. Look for options specifically designed for vaping like:

  • Flavour concentrates - Available in thousands of flavours, these are designed to be mixed to create your desired flavour and then blended into PG and VG base liquid.
  • Pre-mixed flavour concentrates - Available in pre-made recipes without needing to mix your own flavours, these concentrate e-liquids are pre-blended with flavour, requiring only the addition of VG, PG and nicotine (optional).

Avoid using any oil-based flavourings that are not intended for human consumption in vape kits. Stick to food-safe ingredients only.

3. Nicotine (Optional)

Nicotine is an addictive stimulant found in cigarettes. When used responsibly, it can replicate the nicotine experience of smoking without the smoke and tar. However, adding nicotine liquid is completely optional based on your personal preferences and the nicotine strength desired.

If using concentrated nicotine liquids, take proper safety precautions during handling and always measure carefully. Options include:

  • Freebase nicotine - the most common variety used in e-liquids
  • Nicotine salts - smoother throat hit at higher nicotine strengths
  • Hybrid nicotine - like those found in Riot Squad nic salts

DIY Vape Juice Recipes

Once you have the base ingredients, mixing up a basic vape juice recipe is simple. The most common type of shortfill e-liquids are 70/30 VG/PG. A simple 60ml recipe for this type of e-liquid is below, resulting in a 3mg nic strength.

60ml of 70/30 Vape Juice at 3mg Nicotine Strength

This easy shake-and-vape recipe uses a 70% VG / 30% PG ratio for thick clouds, along with smooth nicotine salts and a sweet fruit e-liquid flavour.



  1. Add nicotine to base liquids
  2. Shake thoroughly to combine
  3. Add flavour concentrate
  4. Shake vigorously for 60-90 seconds
  5. Allow to steep for 1-5 days (optional)

Notes: Feel free to experiment with multiple fruit concentrates like pineapple, peach, banana, etc. You can also try adding 1-2 drops of sweetener or other smooth flavours to round out the recipe.

Safety Tips and Precautions

When crafting your own vape juices at home, safety should be the number one priority. Follow these guidelines:

Nicotine Handling

  • Always wear gloves and protective eyewear
  • Work in a clean, well-ventilated environment
  • Measure quantities carefully using syringes
  • Clean any nicotine spills thoroughly

Mixing and Steeping

  • Use separate, clean tools and bottles for each flavour
  • Shake vigorously to fully incorporate ingredients
  • Steep for 1-5 days to help flavours develop
  • Agitate bottles daily during steeping


  • Use only food-grade mixing tools and bottles
  • Invest in a good quality nicotine-resistant glove set
  • Have PG/VG resistant syringes for measurements

Ingredient Safety

  • Do not use essential oils, flavourings etc unless specifically approved for vaping
  • Avoid oil-based and artificial extracts altogether
  • Double check that any nicotine used is produced for vaping use specifically

Remember, vape devices are only intended for vaping e-liquids. Under no circumstances should potentially dangerous substances like gasoline, solvents or oil-based extracts be used.

Alternative Vaping Options

While PG/VG-based e-liquids are the most common vaping medium, there are some alternative vaping options to explore, including dry herbal extracts and CBD/hemp.

Dry Herb Vaping

Dry herb vape pens allow you to vape ground herbal extracts like chamomile and lavender. They rely on precision temperature control to heat herbs slowly instead of burning them, releasing aromatic vapours.


  • Provides flavour and benefits of herbs like chamomile, green tea, etc.
  • Aromatherapy effects
  • Natural experience without artificial flavours/PG/VG


  • Requires a specialised dry herb vaporiser pen
  • Effects can vary greatly depending on temperature and herb quality

CBD and Hemp Extracts

CBD is a trendy wellness ingredient praised for its therapeutic benefits without any high-inducing effects. It is often mixed with PG/VG vape juice or applied directly.


  • Harness potential benefits like anti-inflammatory effects
  • Non-intoxicating and legal in many regions


  • Ensure any CBD extracts used have been tested and approved for vaping use specifically. This includes checking for solvents and heavy metals.
  • Effects can vary greatly depending on quality and purity

Can I Put Vegetable Oil in My Vape?

Some new vapers may wonder - can I use oils I cook with, like vegetable oil, in my vape? The short answer is no, absolutely not. While vegetable oil is safe for consumption and cooking, it should never be used in a vape pen.

Here are the three main reasons that you should never use vegetable oil in your vape.

1. Vegetable oil can be hazardous when inhaled

Oils like vegetable, coconut and olive oil have only been approved and tested for oral ingestion. When inhaled, these oils can cause lipoid pneumonia.

2. Oil particles won't vaporise properly

A vape pen is designed to vaporise high-grade VG/PG e-liquids. Substances like vegetable oil don't easily vaporise and can clog up the vape equipment.

3. The viscosity is unsuitable for vape devices

Vegetable oil and other cooking oils are extremely thick with high boiling points. This makes them wholly unsuitable as vape juice from a technical perspective.

Advanced Mixing Techniques & Ingredients

Once you are comfortable with basic mixing, try out some more advanced vaping techniques:

Using Household Items

Common household ingredients like distilled water or food-grade glycerine can be added in small quantities to enhance vape juice:

  • Distilled water - Thins out VG heavy juices that are too thick for tanks
  • Glycerine - Sweetens the flavour and increases vapour

Use extreme moderation, testing frequently as too much can ruin the stability and flavour of your juice.

Adjusting Viscosity

One advantage of DIY juices is fully controlling the exact viscosity and mouthfeel you desire. Try any of these tricks:

  • More PG = Thinner consistency
  • More VG = Thicker liquid
  • Small amounts of distilled water to thin further

Test batches with incremental adjustments to tune your preferred consistency.

Steeping Enhancements

Maximise steeping effectiveness for full flavour blending:

  • Steep in a dark, cool place away from light and heat
  • Shake daily to agitate ingredients
  • Sample taste frequently until mature

Extended steeping times can continue improving flavours for over a month!

Potential Risks & What to Avoid

While vaping can be a hobby to enjoy, safety should always come first. To mitigate risks never add oils, essential oils, or diffuser oils to your vape. Adding oils to your vape is likely to lead to adverse symptoms such as throat and lung irritation and, in extreme cases, can lead to lipoid pneumonia.

Avoid Oil-Based Ingredients

  • Lipoid pneumonia is a risk if vaping oils meant for oral use rather than inhalation
  • This includes oils, butters, waxes and thick extracts
  • Stick to tested, high-grade vaping extracts

Avoid Adding Water or Alcohol

  • Water can spit and crackle dangerously when vaped
  • There are few benefits to adding alcohol like vodka besides flavour
  • These liquids reduce the stability of your mix in the long run

Do Not Use Essential Oils

  • Oils like cinnamon, lemon, peppermint may sound tempting but can be hazardous as they contain lipids that are not kind to the lungs

Carefully Handle Concentrated Nicotine

  • Avoid contact with skin as nicotine absorbs rapidly
  • Always mix in ventilated environments and wear gloves/glasses
  • Dispose any excess nicotine safely by diluting thoroughly with VG

By avoiding these common mistakes and placing safety first, you can enjoy creating custom vape juices!

With some basic starter ingredients and equipment, even beginners can start experimenting with thousands of unique flavour combinations. Just keep safety as your top priority throughout the process!

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