Does Vaping Affect Your Fitness?
Published 18 May 2022, Updated 10 April 2024

Does Vaping Affect Your Fitness?
People who do not vape or smoke have better fitness than those who vape or smoke.
Vaping does affect a person's fitness and generally not for the better. Medical studies have compared the fitness levels of vapers and smokers against people that do neither.
In general, scientific studies have shown that vaping e-cigarettes and disposable vapes have similar effects on lung function as smoking does. What the studies do not indicate is just how severe this is, more research needs to be conducted into just how severe this problem is.
Scientific research has classified that the refills used in e-cigarettes are possibly respiratory irritants, allergens, inducers of asthmatic symptoms or potentially causing breathing difficulties. Some research has shown that vaping e-liquid (whether containing nicotine or not) causes the peripheral airways (airways less than 2mm in diameter) to constrict. This suggests that some of the chemicals in vape juice are irritants and may affect a person's fitness.
Does Vaping Affect Muscle Gain?
It is thought that vaping does not directly affect muscle growth however may affect it indirectly. It is well known that nicotine has an appetite suppression effect on the body, which is not conducive to someone who is trying to build muscle.
Bodybuilders, or people who are trying to gain muscle need to eat a lot of calories to repair their torn muscles. Suppressing the appetite because of vaping will reduce the amount of food they intake, which may affect the muscles they are trying to grow.
Can I Vape After Workout?
There is nothing stopping you from vaping after a workout. Just be aware that the body is craving two main things: oxygen and food to help muscles recover, repair, and grow after a workout.
Vaping nicotine will suppress the appetite and cause both airways and blood vessels to constrict which is not great for post-workout recovery.
E-liquid is thought to be a respiratory irritant and so causes the airways in the lungs to narrow. This will reduce the amount of oxygen the body is able to absorb when breathing normally post-workout.
Nicotine is known to constrict blood vessels in the body. The constriction of the blood vessels will reduce the amount of blood flowing to the muscle, reducing the amount of oxygen arriving at the muscles, which is not great for recovery.
The suppression of the appetite is not conducive to someone attempting to grow their muscles when the body is screaming for nourishment and protein after a hard workout. It is probably best to first eat and then vape. This way your body is getting the nourishment it needs prior to satisfying the nicotine craving.
Does Vaping Affect Your Muscle Growth?
Vaping nicotine is not thought to directly affect muscle growth.
What vaping does do is suppress the appetite, which may mean the person will eat less food, which means they will not get all of the macronutrients their body requires for muscles to grow.
If someone is trying to grow their muscles, it is often best to give the body the nourishment it needs (protein shake or food) before satisfying the nicotine craving. This way, you will have an appetite that is not hindered by nicotine.
Learn more by reading our article what are the side effects of vaping?