Does Amazon Sell E-liquid In The UK?
Published 12 April 2020, Updated 9 April 2024

Can you buy e-liquids on Amazon
According to the Amazon “Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct” it is forbidden to sell nicotine containing e-liquid on Amazon. All products listed on Amazon must be nicotine-free and Sellers who contravene these rules risk their earnings being withheld from them indefinitely as well as a life-time suspension from selling on Amazon.
As well as prohibiting the sale of nicotine containing liquid, Amazon is an open marketplace allowing any seller to register and sell any product. This means that Amazon tends to be more susceptible to counterfeit juices being sold through their channel as they do not limit the number of users able to upload the same product and the pricing of those products. As such, there is no way to guarantee authenticity of the nicotine-free products purchased from Amazon neither is there a way to guarantee TPD compliance which is the law that upholds the safety standards of e-liquid in the UK.
Best Alternative To Amazon for Nicotine Liquid
IndeJuice on the other hand, operates a similar third-party logistics model as Amazon, allowing it to offer Unlimited Free One-Day Delivery with No Minimum Order on all juices (including all those that contain nicotine) through IndePlus delivery. However, unlike Amazon, IndeJuice only allows the manufacturer of the liquids themselves, who have been Prime certified to list their products.
This allows IndeJuice to guarantee both authenticity and TPD compliance of the products sold. This leads to an increase in the safety of the products delivered to the end consumer and allows manufacturers to control their pricing in the market rather than experiencing downturns in the price of their brand when pricing is lowered for their products from distributors or wholesalers in order to make way for newer items.
As well as being safer to use when compared to Amazon, IndeJuice is also specialised in the vape juice industry. This allows us to make recommendations to customers beyond what is capable by the Amazon algorithms. This is because Amazon is a generalised marketplace that is fantastic for all daily household items but is only able to provide surface level recommendations. Due to the intimate nature of vape juices and the subjective nature of taste buds, IndeJuice is able to create much deeper algorithms that are able to recommend juices that users would not have otherwise discovered thus adding incredible value to the consumer journey.
Closing Thoughts
Wherever you purchase your e-liquid, the most important aspect of purchasing vape juice online is to ensure maximum safety. With hundreds of thousands of options available to vapers, it is difficult to keep up with which brands have done the most that they can to ensure safety and which unscrupulous sellers are in the business for a quick buck. By optimising the supply chain as well as undergoing due diligence on each seller that signs up to IndeJuice, we are able to minimise the risk by ensuring that the consumer is purchasing directly from the brand that they are seeking.