Chief Of Vapes Shortfill E-Liquid is a collection of 24 shortfill e-liquid that feature a variety of flavours including: Alfonso Mango, Blackcurrant Lemonade and Blackjack. The most popular Chief Of Vapes shortfill e-liquid in this collection is Fireball, with an average rating of 4.77 from 13 reviews. Chief Of Vapes Shortfill E-Liquid are available in 0mg, 1.5mg and 3mg nicotine strengths at a 70VG/30PG VG/PG ratio.
Buy Chief Of Vapes Shortfill E-Liquid online at IndeJuice and enjoy Free UK Delivery on orders over £20. With our Prime® Authenticity Guarantee, you can trust that you're getting genuine, legally compliant vape products when you shop for Chief Of Vapes Shortfill E-Liquid on IndeJuice.